Monday, February 20, 2006

Corporate theft

1. Sarah McLachlan - 6 mins
A powerful short, that had me choked up even on the third screening.
Wow! Drop me a line if you want the entire script, which I transcribed.

2. Store Wars - 58 mins
Wal Mart is the largest retail chain in the world . . . that's the opening line. Then watch if you can spot a good corporate citizen at work? No holds barred. But there's a resistance building, people asking about what values we want to live by, and who gets to decide.

3. This Little River went to Market - 36 mins
Taking a powerful revelation focused on the documentary, "The Corporate Theft of Water," and Maude Barlow, a woman on fire and speaking on behalf of the Council of Canadians about the inequitys of water distribution across the globe. Then adding the comparable theft of NZ's water, Scott Ewing weaves the story together to point out that it is happening here. Ignore at your peril.

Here are your wars over water - this is yesterday's future.

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